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Computing, Modern Foreign Languages

At Longlands, the teaching of Computing, Modern Foreign Languages and some PE lessons is done during teacher’s Planning, Preparation and Assessment (PPA) time. This occurs once a week for approximately half-a-day and typically in an afternoon session. PPA for children in KS1 (Yrs 1&2) occurs on Tuesdays, Lower KS2 (Yrs 3&4) on Wednesdays and Upper KS2 (Yrs 5&6) on Thursdays.

Computing will be taught by Mr Ward, Modern Foreign Languages (Spanish) will be taught by Mrs Cumpson. Mrs Cumpson will also teach Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) alongside some aspects of PSHE. 

Children will receive a complete afternoon’s teaching in one of the PPA subjects for an entire term and this will then be rotated on a termly basis.


You go to your TV to turn your brain off.  You go to your computer to turn your brain on.

Steve Jobs, Founder of Apple


Computing at Longlands Primary School intends to develop inquisitive and confident digital thinkers through a modern and relevant computing curriculum. We want to equip pupils to use computational thinking and creativity that will enable them to become active participants in the digital world. It is important to us that our children understand not only how to use technology to express themselves and as tools for learning, but also to be creators to drive their generation forward into the future. Whilst ensuring they understand the advantages and disadvantages associated with online experiences, we want children to develop as respectful, responsible and confident users of technology, who are aware of the measures that they can be taken to keep themselves and others safe online.

Therefore, it is our school’s aim to equip children with the relevant skills and knowledge that is required to understand the three core areas of Computing (Computer Science, Information Technology and Digital Literacy) so they can thrive in the digital world of today and tomorrow.

The National Curriculum for Computing aims to ensure all pupils:

  • can understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science, including abstraction, logic, algorithms and data representation (Computer science)
  • can analyse problems in computational terms, and have repeated practical experience of writing computer programs in order to solve such problems (Computer science)
  • can evaluate and apply information technology, including new or unfamiliar technologies, analytically to solve problems (Information technology)
  • are responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology. (Digital literacy)

Each year, in Computer Science, children will develop and grow their understanding of programming. The children in KS1 will learn basic programming through developing instructions for programmable toys; whilst the children in lower and upper Key Stage 2 will be using existing programs, such as Scratch, to create algorithms for short animations and simple games. The children will gain a deeper understanding of the function of programming, together with how we use coding to create commands for a range of different functions. They will also become problem solvers, by debugging premade algorithms by working systematically to find errors in code.

We aim for our children to be able to use, express themselves, develop their ideas and solve problems through information and communication technology. Beyond teaching computing discreetly, we will give pupils the opportunity to apply and develop what they have learnt across wider learning in the curriculum. The children will use a variety of different software packages for a variety of tasks, including digital illustration, photography, video recording and designing and creating presentations for different audiences. We aim to ensure that the children have begun developing a skillset which would be suitable for employment in later life.

Online safety plays an important role within our computing curriculum. We actively engage the children in developing their understanding of how to use the internet safely. We aim to stimulate children’s curiosity but ensure that they are equipped to be safe explorers and users of the online world. We believe children need to be aware of the world around them and be able to make smart and sensible decisions.


As a school, we are using the Purple Mash Computing Scheme which is a comprehensive set of resources that align with the National Curriculum for Computer Science, Information Technology and Digital Literacy. The scheme, which builds on prior learning, also facilitates teachers in achieving the best outcomes for all children through appropriate differentiation and challenge. Longlands’ Computing Curriculum is also supplemented by other hardware/equipment, such as bee bots and Chromebooks, and additional software/programs such as Scratch and Google Classroom which exposes children to a wide range of digital tools, technological skills and innovations to enable them to become informed members of the digital world. All Computing lessons will take place in classrooms, using a bank of 30 Google Chromebooks, generously funded by the Longlands Primary School Parent’s Association (Friends of Longlands). We want to be embedding Computing across the curriculum so opportunities to enhance learning using technology are always taken. Technical vocabulary for Computing is introduced to the children at an early age so they can link these terms across subjects, e.g. An algorithm is a step by step set of instructions which links to English and Science experiments, so this terminology is committed to their vocabulary and used regularly.

How to be safe when using technology along with how to be a responsible digital citizen is taught not only discretely through Online Safety or PSHE lessons but also through class discussions when we are using technology. Through Assemblies, specific Days (Internet Safety Day) and regular open classroom conversations, we encouraged children to questions and be aware of aspects of the online world that may not always be actively thought about.


At Longlands, our children will be confident users of technology who are able to use it to accomplish specific goals both in school and at home. Our children will have a secure understanding and comprehensive knowledge of the implications of using technology or digital systems/platforms. They will understand the importance of being responsible digital citizens for their health and wellbeing and will recognise what information they should not share and apply steps to keep themselves safe when using technology. We want our learners to discuss, reflect and appreciate the impact computing has on their learning, development, well-being, and their future.

Finding the right balance with technology is key to an effective education and a healthy lifestyle. We feel that our Computing curriculum helps children realise the need for balance and provides a good foundation of knowledge and skills from which to build on in their next stage of education and beyond. We encourage regular discussions between staff and pupils to best embed and understand this. The way pupils showcase, share, celebrate and publish their work will best show the impact of our curriculum. We also look for evidence through reviewing pupil’s knowledge and skills digitally through tools like Google Classroom/Drive and observing learning regularly.

Modern Foreign Languages

To learn a language is to have one more window from which to look at the world. 

Chinese Proverb

This is the third year at Longlands of teaching Spanish as previously we had decided to focus on French.


Our intent is to provide a Modern Foreign Language education in Spanish which fosters children's curiosity and a love of language learning whilst deepening an understanding of the world. We aim to develop communication skills and the confidence to express ideas whilst developing the key areas of speaking, listening, writing and reading. This extends the children's knowledge of how language works. Additionally, there will be the opportunity to learn more about the culture of Spanish speaking countries by finding out about important festivals, daily life and the work of famous artists.


Spanish is taught primarily through half termly topics with a focus on speaking and listening and a chance to ask each other questions and give answers as well as written work to consolidate learning. The children are introduced to new vocabulary through PowerPoints and interactive games. They enjoy songs and rhymes and there is a lot of repetition to consolidate and extend learning throughout Key Stages 1 and 2. Initially we focus on the foundations of language learning greetings, numbers, colours and family members. The celebration topic includes the ability to tell a date of a family birthday or an event or festival as well as designing a fun party.  We look more closely at the number system and by finding patterns in language, drawing on previous learning we are able to record numbers up to 100 and sometimes beyond. We create our own story books recapping number and colour words as well as introducing food words and likes and dislikes. These preferences are extended through our sports and hobbies unit, here the children complete surveys of their peers and create board games using sports vocabulary. The children have an opportunity to talk more about themselves, their homes and their neighbourhood, creating room sets or designing a house and have fun role playing on our 'Spanish High street'. 


We measure the impact of our Spanish teaching through the use of pupil voice surveys, in class formative assessment and by looking in the children’s books.

Curriculum Documents