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Religious Education

The essence of all religions is one. Only their approaches are different.

Mahatma Gandhi, Political & Spiritual Leader

An introduction from our RE Lead - Ms Sheridan   

Religious Education

At Longlands, we follow the agreed Bexley syllabus of 2021-2026.

We have no affiliation to a specific religion or denomination and focus on developing the children’s cultural awareness of others ways and beliefs. Throughout a child’s education at Longlands they will establish a good understanding of the world that we live in and show that they understand the importance of valuing others. Throughout our teaching, we promote the British Values and enable children to demonstrate a mutual respect and tolerance for those of different faiths.

From when a child enters Longlands, to the time they leave in year 6 they will develop their awareness of world faiths, building on their existing knowledge and understanding from year to year. Children will learn to recognise the influences and beliefs of each individual faith and will be taught about the traditions and festivals, which underpin each of them. As a school, we take part in collective worship across the week, where the children are able to share and celebrate their own beliefs as well as those of others. Our aim is to promote children's learning about a religion from a religion and we welcome outside visitors into school to enhance our own Spiritual, moral, social and culture development.

Throughout the teaching of Religious Education at Longlands, not only will children have the opportunities to gain knowledge of how others live their lives, but also it will equip them with the appropriate understanding to demonstrate respect for themselves and others as people with their own opinions, rights and place in society. The teaching of Religious Education at Longlands is creative, whereby children learn about religion through Art, Drama and Music, as well as through reflection, which allows time for individuals to express viewpoints. We believe that teaching the children about Religion in a variety of ways encourages them to develop their curiosity of the world around them.

 In EYFS and Key stage one children will develop their understanding of religions and worldviews, discussing their stories, places of worship, traditions and festivals that, at times share comparisons, as well as distinguish them from one another. Throughout Key stage two, children continue to further their knowledge of religions and worldviews while being encouraged to ask challenging questions about religion, belief, values and human life, taking into account how our differing opinions shape our beliefs and the ways in which we live. Our aim is for children to leave Longlands with a wealth of knowledge that enables them to respect and value each individual as well as being able to disagree with others respectfully.

We learn about and celebrate a variety of religious festivals with each class having a particular festival to learn about each year.

RE curriculum documentation