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Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is You-er than You.

Dr Seuss

An introduction from our PSHE/RSE lead - Mrs Allen



At Longlands we believe that a child’s Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural (SMSC) development is at the heart of everything we do. A Longlands’ child by the end of year 6, should have a greater knowledge and appreciation of the wider world due to the rich exposure of a rich and varied PSHE/RSE curriculum, they should have a greater understanding of building positive relationships and recognition of how to look after their own health and wellbeing and that of others.

Throughout their time at Longlands, the children are taught how to develop and maintain healthy, positive relationships with others and how to respect equality and diversity. Through effective teaching and as part of circle times the children are taught to name and identify feelings. This enables them to begin to understand how to distinguish the feelings of others whilst also sharing their thoughts, opinions and ideas. Crucially, the desired outcome is for children to take ownership of and to manage their feelings independently and to be able to maintain healthy friendships and deal with conflict in a positive way. We promote kindness and care for others, and children are encouraged to think of ways they can make others happy.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is crucial to ensuring children’s physical and mental wellbeing. From initially exploring ideas around healthy eating and recognising the value of regular exercise; children in EYFS and Key Stage 1 develop their understanding further by looking at the importance of personal hygiene. Throughout Key Stage 2, children continue to develop this knowledge further by considering how to maintain a healthy mind as well as a healthy body. Upper Key Stage 2 children are also given guidance on how to appreciate physical and emotional changes experienced in puberty.

Children are asked to consider future career aspirations and show an understanding of the importance of managing finances correctly. Our work with Skills Builder supports all children to have high aspirations and endeavors to fulfill their individual potentials and ‘aim high’

Finally, a Longlands’ child’s PSHE/RSE learning looks to embed an understanding of the wider world. From their very first days, the children are encouraged to be tolerant and respectful and recognise and value the diversity and individuality of everyone. Our children are also taught to show an awareness of the responsibility we as people have in protecting the environment and the impact our actions can have on the planet. We encourage our children to think about local and global issues and how they can make a positive change. Continuing these themes into the later years, children develop a greater understanding of the value of tolerance and the importance this has alongside other British values that reflect the 21st century country that we live in.


PSHE/RSE learning will be seen through displays, class discussions, pupil voice and assemblies. Our school behaviour policy supports children's self-esteem and mental wellbeing through a restorative approach, so children are supported in making choices that positively affect themselves and those around them. Children upholding the school values are celebrated in a weekly Assembly. Reflection time is encouraged and held at the end of assemblies along with a weekly focused individual reflection of what went well, which is displayed in classrooms. Additional reflection time and links to key skills, from our Skills Builder Curriculum, are embedded into each lesson. A worry box can be found in each classroom to encourage children to talk about and express their feelings. Each classroom also has a penguin to support the development of resilience and instilling in the children the importance of not giving up.

At the beginning of the Year, children learn about what makes a good team and make a team flag to celebrate these qualities which creates a sense of family within the classroom. This reminds them that they are part of something bigger than themselves and that they belong, and this is referred to throughout the year. Growth Mindset can be seen in classroom displays and is revisited regularly, encouraging children to become confident and resilient learners.

The subject leader works with staff to develop the PSHE/RSE curriculum further to ensure that the children receive an in-depth curriculum with plenty of opportunities to revisit, review and remember what they have learnt. During PSHE/RSE lessons, a range of teaching and learning activities are used and are based on good practice in teaching the PSHE/RSE curriculum to ensure that all children can access leaning and make progress. At the beginning of each PSHE/RSE lesson, children understand they will not be judged for asking questions or sharing their current knowledge so a safe, productive, and open environment is created. With this is mind, through discussions, misconceptions are addressed in a supportive environment. Children will record some of their work in their PSHE/RSE books which will be marked by the teacher. Additionally, PSHE objectives are embedded in Our Power of Reading texts and other Cross-Curricular learning, in particular with Computing for Online Safety and Science for growing, nutrition, teeth, diet and lifestyle.

It is paramount that our children have opportunities to implement their Personal, Social, Heath and Emotional learning in everyday situations and we encourage, where possible real-life contexts. Real life application can be seen across the school through the celebration of many different PSHE themed events such as Children’s Mental Health week and Earth Day. We celebrate Kindness week, renamed from Antibullying week, annually where we champion compassion, thoughtfulness and consideration, and the children carry out acts to spread kindness during this special week. Additionally, the school supports a variety of charities including Save The Children and Children in Need which provides the children with recognition of themselves as Global Citizens and how they can work as a collective to support a change for good. We have a School Council which is elected by the children and meets regularly to discuss items that the children bring to the agenda and feel to be important to them. Each class has a dog ambassador who will help to decide ways that Alfie can be part of the school community. It is through these activities that children’s PSHE learning can shine. After many interrupted school years due to the pandemic, it is still important that PSHE teaching supports the children in understanding the world around them and dealing with their emotions.


All Children will understand the importance of PSHE, RSE and SMSC and the effects it can have on life in and out of school. Throughout the school, children will be happy to discuss and reflect on their own beliefs and respect other people’s thoughts and opinions. They will take on positive roles and be encouraged to contribute to school life which will develop their self-worth. They will realise that they are part of larger diverse global community and be aware of their own rights and responsibilities within it.

Children will develop strategies to regulate their behaviour allowing them to make choices about next steps. Children will recognise how their behaviour and actions can impact others and will take an active role in identifying what they can do to resolve conflict.

By the time they leave Longlands, our Children will understand and recognise what they can do to be healthy, independent, and responsible members of society. How they can develop personally and socially along with how to tackle moral, social, and cultural issues that they will face as they grow older.

The impact of PSHE/RSE learning will be monitored by the PSHE/RSE subject leader through discussions and surveys with pupils, gathering evidence of activities, monitoring planning, classroom displays and through ongoing discussions with colleagues.  

Teach Happy

Teach Happy

We are a Teach Happy School and at Longlands, pupil wellbeing​ is key to the children's success.

Happier pupils do better in school, they get on better with their peers and the studies show they tend to be more successful in life. The training that the teachers have undertaken shows teachers how to weave wellbeing into their lessons and throughout the curriculum, with a particular focus on:

  • Positive relationships
  • Mindfulness
  • Physical activity
  • The science of kindness
  • Growth mindset
  • Developing optimism

All our teachers have been trained to teach this 7-lesson positive psychology course for children. All children will gain a certificate on completion of the course. These key elements of happiness and wellbeing are then woven throughout all of the lessons in different subject areas. All classes have a team flag and are encouraged to think about what went well and focus on the positive elements of their lives.

Kindness Week

At Longlands we renamed Anti Bullying week as Kindness Week and we focus on trying to make other people happy both at home, at school and in our community!
