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Geography is the subject which holds the key to our future.

Michael Palin

An introduction from our Geography Lead - Mr Murphy 



At Longlands Primary School, the intent of our inclusive Geography curriculum is to provoke curiosity and fascination about the world and encourage pupils to ask and answer questions through investigative and explorative means. We ensure that geographical concepts, knowledge and skills are developed progressively and are revisited and built upon. We provide children with the very best topics to facilitate their learning and to ensure that they have an understanding and appreciation of human and physical features locally, nationally and internationally. Here at Longlands our curriculum takes its focus from our Power of Reading topics (a two year cycle) which enables teachers to teach knowledge, skills and concepts which progress through the key stages with a cross curricular approach. Reading is a core part of our Geography curriculum. It is a skill that enables children to develop their learning and they are encouraged and have the opportunity to engage in a rich and broad range of reading experiences within the subject. Ultimately, we intend for our pupils to experience enjoyable, memorable Geography lessons that help them to make sense of the world around them and their place within it. In doing so, ensuring our pupils leave Longlands as well-rounded, mature and knowledgeable children who are the very best version of themselves.


Here at Longlands, we implement this by:

  • Delivering a high quality, engaging Geography curriculum which enables all children to know, understand and apply key Geographical skills.
  • Ensuring that these skills are built upon and revisited regularly so that children reflect upon previous learning and build upon skills throughout both key stages.
  • Children in Years 1 - 6 are taught 3 Geography topics a year. These are taught alternatively to History topics, although cross curricular links are regularly made with other subjects through our topic based approach using the Power of Reading.
  • Year 5 will take a trip to Wales and gain an opportunity to use map and orienteering skills first hand.


Geography teaching is evaluated through staff audits, lesson observations, pupil voice and work scrutinies with a ‘big question’ at the end of each topic, children have the opportunity to prove their learning. Alongside this, the Geography leader produces an action plan to address areas for improvement to continue to develop the subject throughout the year. The main impact of this is to ensure that all children make good or better progress and that they learn skills that will help them in the wider world beyond primary school.

It is also that children have enjoyable and memorable learning experiences that foster a love of learning about Geography and which ensures that they are the very best version of themselves.

Pupil voice quotes from the children:

What do you like about Geography?

"The beauty of maps. I love Maps."

What have you learned that you didn't know before?

"I didn't know there was different countries in North America - there is Canada/USA/Mexico."

What is Geography?

"Its learning about the world around us and different countries and islands, and reading a map. A compass point helps you know where you are going.”

Please find some useful links below:

  • The True Size Of
    This web site allows you to pick a country and compare it to other countries or regions of the world.

Geography curriculum documentation