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What you put into it is what you get out of it.

Mo Farrah

An introduction from our PE Leader - Miss Gayson  

PE Timetable 2024-2025

'I love PE. It's my favourite. I am good at sports.' Teddy (Year 3)

'PE gives me lots of energy' Renee (Year 4)

'I like PE. It is fun and different to other lessons' Max (Year 6)

'You get to learn new skills and you get to run fast' Poppy (Year 3) 


At Longlands Primary School, we recognise the importance of PE and the role it has to play in promoting long term, healthy lifestyles. The intent of our PE curriculum is to provide all children with high quality PE and sport provision. It is our vision for every pupil to succeed and achieve their potential, as well as to lead physically active lifestyles. We strive to inspire our pupils through fun and engaging PE lessons that are enjoyable, challenging and accessible to all. We want our pupils to appreciate the benefits of a healthy and physically active lifestyle. Through our teaching of PE, we will provide opportunities for pupils to develop values and transferrable life skills such as fairness and respect, as well as providing them with opportunities to take part in competitive sport.


Throughout their time at Longlands, the children are able to develop the skills that they are taught in Gymnastics, dance, invasion games, athletics, striking and fielding. They have the opportunity to engage in fun and purposeful PE lessons, where they are able to develop and apply the skills that they have learnt.

Children at Longlands are given the opportunity to take part in a variety of different sports within and outside of lessons. They are able to showcase the skills that they have learnt and apply these to competitive games. They are encouraged to play as part of a team and to adopt a sense of fairness during games. Children at Longlands also adopt a growth mindset approach to new skills and sports, which allows them to demonstrate a great sense of determination.

Children are taught about the importance of a healthy lifestyle. In KS1 and EYFS, children are taught what their body needs to keep healthy and they are encouraged to talk about what their body feels like before and after exercise. By KS2, children are aware of the importance of a healthy lifestyle and can begin to notice the improvements in their own fitness.

Children are given the opportunity to take part in competitions, within the borough. In 2023, Longlands was awarded the Gold Award from School Games Mark for our participation in competitions and sport. When they are able to play for the school, the children demonstrate a great sense of pride. These competitions allow a lot of children their first experience of playing a sport in a competitive environment and it allows the children to discover new passions within sport. All children at Longlands are given the opportunity to take part in competitions within their PE lessons. They are also able to take part in our school sports day and represent their school houses in different athletic activities. This gives all children the opportunity to showcase and apply the skills they have learnt.


We measure the progress of the children learning through teacher assessment at the end of every PE unit. We also measure the impact of PE teaching through photos and videos of the skills the children have demonstrated. Children also self-evaluate their own progress of new PE skills. They think about what they already know they can do and what they now know they can do at the end of the unit. Progress is also tracked through learning walks.

PE curriculum documentation

PE at Longlands

Cricket Competition

On Thursday 4th July, children from year 4 took part in the Cricket Final at Sidcup Cricket. They played in numerous games. They showed off their batting, fielding and bowling skills. Rodiyah won a special prize for the best bowler. The children worked incredibly hard and had lots of fun.

Basketball Competition

On Wednesday 15th May, Longlands took part in a basketball competition that was held in Trinity School. In the tournament we were competing against other schools within Bexley in  3v3 basketball games. Our team consisted of Nate, Alfie and Kayleigh. They were absolutely fantastic both in offensive and defensive play. Our Longlands team came third overall in the competition and they should be immensely proud of the basketball skills that they displayed. Thank you to the parents who came along to support!

Athlete Visit

On Monday 25th March, we were visited by Emmanuel Oyibo-Coker. He is a current Commonwealth British Champion gold medallist. He spoke about his journey to becoming an athlete and told the children that they need to have determination, resilience and self-belief. Emmanuel then led PE sessions showing the children how to stretch properly with static and dynamic stretches and then the children loved taking part in the running games.

It was a really great day for the children and they even got to touch a Commonwealth Gold medal. Hopefully this has inspired the athletes of the future.

Sports Athletics Competition

On Thursday 16th November, Mrs Ward and I took a group of Year 5 and 6 children to take part in The Bexley School Games Athletics Competition. The children had been training for this event with Mrs Ward for weeks leading up to the event. At the event the children took part in events such as: vertical jump, long jump, chest push, javelin, speed bounce and a variety of relay races. Longlands came second in the competition, which is an amazing. I was so impressed by the children’s determination and support of each other.

Badminton Festival 

On Wednesday 18th October, 8 children from year 4 took part in a Badminton festival at Hurstmere School. At the festival, the children took part in lots of different activities including: badminton golf and badminton catch. All the activities were designed to practise different badminton skills. The children loved taking part and they showed some great skill. Thank you to all the children, who took part and our spectators for cheering us on.   

Sports Day

We kicked off sports day with the KS1 and EYFS events. The children worked really hard in all the races. They should all be very proud of all their efforts on the day! It was lovely to hear all the children cheering each other on in their teams.

For the KS2 Sports Day, the children gathered in their houses to take part in the events. The children took part in a variety of different events including long jump, sack races, hurdles and egg and spoon. It was great to see the children in their house colours, as they took part in their races. The overall winner for the KS2 events was St George’s, so huge congratulations to them. It was wonderful to see so many of the year 6 children take part mini marathon. The winners of the marathon this year were Max, Lucy, Oscar, Iris, Rosalie and Charlie.

Basketball Festival 

On Wednesday 10th May, 8 children from year 5 and 6 took part in a Basketball Festival held at Beths Grammar School. The children took part in different activities to improve their basketball skills. There were races, shooting and aiming exercises. The children also took part in lots of team games together. It was lovely to see the children enjoying taking part in sport and I was very impressed with the Basketball skills on display.

Well done to all the children who took part!

Athlete Visit 

The children had a great morning meeting athlete Ryan Scott. They had lots of fun taking part in the circuits in the morning and they worked very hard! Then they asked Ryan lots of questions in an assembly and took part in demonstrations. It was a fun and energetic morning and all the children had a good time! The money raised from the sponsorship will be going towards new PE and play equipment. 

Rugby Mega Fest

On Wednesday 29th March, 5 children from year 4 took part in a rugby festival at Beths Grammar School. At the festival, the children took part in lots of different activities such as: rugby rounders, min tag rugby games and rugby stuck in the mud. All the activities were designed to practise different rugby skills. The children loved taking part and they showed some great skill. Thank you to all the children, who took part and our spectators for cheering us on.

Sports Hall Athletics Competition

On Wednesday 16th November, 12 children from years 5 and 6 took part in an athletics competition held at Hurstmere school. At the event, the children took part in various field events such as: vertical jump, long jump, chest push, javelin, and speed bounce. The children also took part in races. There were lots of types of races that the children took part in such as: 1 by 1 relay, 2 by 2 relay and the 4 by 4 relay. The children also took part in a race called the 6 lap paarlauf. This is a race run by two people and they can choose the order that they run in for example they could do 2 laps each or one person does 3 the other does three. It was great to see the children experience the different athletics events and the children were particularly good at the javelin and chest push. We came third overall and we were awarded the respect award. A huge thank you to the children for their participation and to the parents who cheered us all on.

Badminton Festival 

On Wednesday 19th October, I took a group of year 4 children to Hurstmere school for a badminton festival. At the festival, the children took part in lots of different activities to help them with their badminton skills. They had to practise their target shooting with giant shuttlecocks. They had to catch the shuttlecock with giant nets and they had to practise using the badminton racket. The final activity was badminton golf they had to aim the shuttlecock into the hoop to gain a point. The children had lots of fun learning a new skill!