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School Council

We have a school council at Longlands where we meet once a month to discuss ways to improve our school.

School Council 2024 2025

The children have voted and the new school council reps have been chosen!

School Council 2023 2024

School Council visited St Margarets Care home and made craft easter bunnies with the residents.

School Council were responsible for designing and making our School Value art canvasses which they then shared with the whole school in assembly.

School Council Members 2022 2023

This year, the school council have been forefront at celebrating our individual class teams with the rest of the school community. This started with celebrating the diverse artists which they are named after. Each school council member was responsible for presenting their artist to other classes and discussing how their class created their linked art pieces. 

Along with this the school council continue to discuss what is working well within the school, how the school environment can be improved, such as play equipment, and how we as a school may be able to celebrate other additional days (such as Earth Day) to help the environment.