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Meet Alfie - Our School Dog


School Dog Policy

Christmas Jumper Day 2023

Alfie has now been at our school for 2 years and you have all helped to train him in some way and enabled him to feel very happy and calm in our school. Because he is now fully integrated into school life we are no longer going to have 1 dog ambassador per class to help me walk him and train him. You are all now officially dog ambassadors and I will be asking different people to come and help me walk him at different times. Remember when you are near him to be calm and respectful. Let him smell your hand and then stroke him gently on his back.

Alfie enjoyed his summer holidays although he did come to school quite alot he enjoyed a week in Dorset! We also looked after his brother Paddy for a week whilst Mrs Pearce went on holiday and Alfie really liked having him around to play with!

Dog Ambassadors

Meet every Wednesday at 12.30pm in the maths room.

Murakami - India
O’Keefe - Poppy
Warhol - Thomas
Thomas - Frankie
Kahlo - Jeni
Basquiat - Lexi
Malone - Seren
Ashevak - Sophie
Wei Wei - Gracie

Alfie reading with children during World Book Day 2023

Christmas Jumper Day 2022

New dog ambassadors getting to know Alfie.

World Book Day!

Alfie wore his pyjamas for Children in Need!

The dog ambassadors are doing a wonderful job helping me to train Alfie. They also help with walking him on a Thursday lunchtime!

Alfie wears his school tie to assemblies so he is very smart!

Alfie's Summer Adventures!

Alfie has had a lovely summer and has been very busy. He has also gone into school every week so he doesn't forget the building and always looks for everybody! He is excited to see you all soon and will start to come out onto the playground in the mornings in the next few weeks. Remember to approach him slowly and follow the 'four paws on the floor' rule. So if he doesn't have all four paws on the floor you musn't touch him or look at him and then when he does you say "good Alfie good boy" and then you can stroke him. Remember to try not to touch his face as he is still teething and might try and give you a playful nip. You might hear him barking a bit in the mornings or evenings but that's just because Miss Owen has briefly left him in her office and he needs to get used to that. Don't worry about him, he is just attention seeking!

Alfie's first day at school!

Alfie had a busy weekend. As he had already had his second injection he was able to go outside so we went for a short walk, he went on a bus to puppy training and he was very brave when he saw all the other bigger dogs.

Collecting Alfie! He was so good in the car, he slept most of the way!

Alfie is now 5 weeks and 4 days old. Mr Allen and I went to visit him in Derbyshire last Saturday and he is now playing with his brothers and sisters and having a wonderful time.

Alfie is 4 weeks old in these pictures. His eyes are open now and he can hear. He is moving around a lot more. He has started to eat dog food twice a day and isn't drinking as much of his mother's milk.

Alfie is 2 weeks and 4 days old. He can open his eyes but the world looks fuzzy right now, this will improve in the next few weeks. He is starting to move around more using his front legs. He still cannot hear anything yet but is beginning to sense vibrations.

Alfie is 1 week 4 days old. Puppies are born unable to see or hear, their eyes remaining tightly shut until they are 10 days old. They are reliant on mum for all their needs: still unable to regulate body temperature they seek out their mum in order to stay warm. Here you can see Alfie and his brothers and sisters laying on a heat mat, near their mum.