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Murakami Class - Year 1


Welcome to Murakami's class page! 

Class Teacher: Miss Taylor 

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Davies and Miss Brindle 

Children need to bring in book bags and reading records every day.
Reading books will be changed on a Tuesday. Children will be given a stage-appropriate book and a free choice book. The books need to be returned the following Tuesday.
Please read the book more than once, to help the children with word recognition and fluency.
The children will be given a book appropriate for their reading level, or will choose their own book from the class library.
Children need to be reading for at least 20 minutes each day.
PE is on a Wednesday. Children need to come to school dressed in PE kits.
Homework will be set on a Wednesday and is due back on the following Monday. Homework will be uploaded onto Google Classroom and should be completed in the homework books, in pencil.
Spelling  test will be on Monday.
You can practice your number bonds using hit the button (